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Social Consumer -  is a term first used by David Giannetto in Big Social Mobile to label those consumers that, regardless of demographics such as age, race, geography, etc., utilize social platforms, mobile technology, and the information that these technologies and the internet makes available, during the buying process.  This allows these consumers to interact with companies from a position of power, and changes the basic nature of what companies must do to effectively convert them from consumer to customer. These consumers are different in more ways than just the information they use. They desire to purchase from companies that are aligned with their beliefs and values, and companies that operate in a more transparent and consistent manner  stressing true value, not perceived value. See graphic 8.2 in Big Social Mobile. In short, Social Consumers use information not provided by a company to make a buying decision about that company’s products or services—3rd party reviews, social recommendations, competitive information, or just educational information.
Social Economy -  is a term first used by David Giannetto in Big Social Mobile to show the influence of social media and mobile technology on the buying behavior of a growing segment of consumers (called social consumers in Big Social Mobile) that collectively are counterbalancing the corporate-consumer relationship for the first time in over 500 years.  The social economy has all of the market dynamics created by capitalism, but because of the power of social consumers (made possible by social and mobile) and their desire to purchase from companies that are aligned with their beliefs and values, companies are forced to operate in a more transparent, consistent manner that stresses true value and not perceived value in order to earn revenue and maximize customer lifetime value (CLV).  See graphic 3.1 in Big Social Mobile.

Welcome to the
Big Social Mobile Enterprise

Big Social Mobile offers the first enterprise-spanning view of how today’s most influential digital initiatives can be used to go far beyond the typical, segregated marketing and technology initiatives generating limited returns, to reshape how companies operate, interact with customers, acquire new customers, markets and market segments, understand their position among competitors, unify traditional and big data and information across the physical and digital landscapes, and leverage their social communities to create tangible business results.  This is the future of how companies will operate and interact with the market.  Drawn together from some of the most complex information-based engagements, industry analysis and case studies, the highly anticipated book not only explains the benefits and risks, the tools and techniques, but also provides a step-by-step program for how companies can become truly Big Social Mobile.

Case Studies from

Starbucks, Amazon, Dunkin’ Donuts, PR Newswire, Facebook, Triple-A, Comedy Central, Yahoo, Verizon, United Airlines, Wal-Mart, National Oil, Seattle City Light, FujiFilm USA, Secret, Giant Eagle, Symbolics, WhoIs, MySpace and more

Industry features, including

Retail, Finance, Software, Energy, Insurance, Photography & Imaging Consumer Goods, Deal-of-the-Day, Rental Cars, Accounting and more