David Giannetto will be on Tech Talk – Boston’s #1 Radio Show Saturday 1/24/2015 @ 11:00am
Join Boston radio host Craig Peterson on Boston’s #1 radio show “Tech Talk” Saturday 1/24 just after 11:00am as he interviews David Giannetto, author of the new book Big Social Mobile, on the consumer technology battle between Apple, Microsoft and Samsung, Apple’s dominance in China and how business’ win against a strong, entrenched competitor. LISTEN HERE
Every Saturday Morning, Tech Talk With Craig Peterson helps you learn the secrets of everyday technology that are fun, informative and understandable. Craig interviews top industry insiders and explains tech in ways everyone understands. The official radio show web site is Tech-Talk-With-Craig-Peterson.com. You’ll be able to find summaries of radio shows and links to products and people Craig has spoken about or with. You can listen to the radio show by going to Podcast.Tech-Talk-With-Craig-Peterson.com. Along with interview summaries, you’ll find a place you can download podcasts or just listen to interviews on your computer.