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GSMI’s Media Minute Interviews David Giannetto on his Upcoming Book: Big Social Mobile
BOSTON, October 2014 – David Giannetto granted his first media interview about his upcoming Palgrave Macmillan release: Big Social Mobile, How Digital Initiatives can Reshape the Enterprise and Create Business Results. Available in late December 2014 (currently available for pre-order on Amazon), the book will present the first enterprise-spanning methodology for unifying big data, social media and mobile technology with traditional enterprise people, processes, technology, data and information, with a focus on using these initiatives to realize tangible business value–increased revenue and profit, reduced expense, and those things that directly drive it.
Targeted to bridge the gap between executives, decision-makers and specialized social, mobile and big data practitioners, Big Social Mobile breaks new ground and establishes a new standard for these currently segregated and isolated initiatives by showing how they should, and can, be integrated into each other and into the core of an organization itself.
Mark Russinovich, CTO, Microsoft Azure, says:“Big Social Mobile will serves as an invaluable guide to a key aspect of any corporate strategy: engaging with, understanding, and responding to customers using modern tools .” Claudia Imhoff, Founder BBBT, says: “David has bridged the gap between the disparate worlds of big data and enterprise information to establish new fundamentals that executives and specialized practitioners alike should learn.”
Pre-order link: http://www.amazon.com/Big-Social-Mobile-Initiatives-Enterprise/dp/1137410396/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415303994&sr=8-1&keywords=big+social+mobile)