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David Giannetto for Convince & Convert – Marketing Shouldn’t Control Social

By May 7, 2015Articles

CnClogoSomeone had to say it:
Marketing Shouldn’t Control Social Media

Never one to hold back, Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto speaks up on why so few companies can get the promised ROI on Social Media–maybe marketing itself is the problem.  Check out this guest article before you decide.


Marketing has been the custodian of digital communities since the arrival of social media over ten years ago. But is marketing really the right place for it? It turns out that just about anyone else in your organization might do a better job at convincing consumer to become customers via social media (highlight to tweet).  Seem too unbelievable to be true? Consider how these other departments and functions might add more value before you decide.

Read the entire article HERE.

Full link: http://www.convinceandconvert.com/social-media-strategy/control-social-media/