David Giannetto interview on telling your company’s story in the digital age: 7/13 1pm ET
No matter what size of business you are running, social media is a crucial part of how you interact with potential customers. However, having lots of friends or lots of likes is not enough. We need to be able to convert our followers into customers. But how do we do that in an increasingly competitive marketplace with savvy social consumers? In this episode of Story Powered®, David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile, How Digital Initiatives can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results will help us better understand the current social landscape and how businesses can use story to move beyond being liked to getting more sales.
Direct Link: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/86450/getting-social-with-story
@verygoodstories, @dgiannetto, #bigsocialmobile
About Lianne Picot and Story Powered/Very Good Stories: Did you know that storytelling is a superpower that inspires, engages and moves people to action? The Story Powered radio show is all about helping you to activate your storytelling superpower to make your business more successful. Lianne Picot and her guests from around the world share their expertise and experience in story powered branding, leadership and business development. They help you to strategically find, craft and share your best business stories with authenticity and passion. Story Powered will also help business leaders and entrepreneurs to think about the internal stories that are holding them back or affecting their success and how to create a new narrative that moves them closer to their goals and dreams. Listen to Story Powered every Tuesday at 10 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel to find out more about the power of story and how it will help you grow a better business. Learn more at: