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Google Hangout 1/23/2015

By December 19, 2014Media, Previous Events

David Giannetto will be on a Google Hangout with One Million Acts of Innovation Friday 1/23/2015 @ 1 – 2:00 pm eastern

David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile (palgrave 2014), will be interviewed by Taimour Zaman on a Google hangout to the over 2000 Canadian students supported by the One Million Acts of Innovation program.

One Million Acts of Innovation is a non-profit which exists to inspire and empower people to innovate and create meaningful change in the world.  The movement started in 2010 when a group of passionate senior technology professionals gathered to discuss an important problem – our country’s innovation capacity. Inspired by a joint conviction that we deserves better, the original group – supported by several key partners in business and education – crafted a program that leverages collective knowledge and the willingness to collaborate for the sake of building productivity, economic prosperity and global capacity for everyone.

More information to follow on how to join.
