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Event – Giannetto on Jenny McCarthy’s Dirty Sexy Funny Feb 29th 11am SiriusXM

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David Giannetto on Jenny McCarthy’s SiriusXM Show – Jan 29th 11am Eastern

Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto will sit down with host Jenny McCarthy to discuss the dark web and corporate data tracking – what should you fear online?? Join them on SiriusXM Channel 109 just after 11am eastern on leap day, February 29th.

Visit the Jenny McCarthy website: HERE
Find her show on the SiriusXM website: HERE
Follow her on Twitter: @JennyMcCarthy

David Giannetto & Astea – Optimizing the Onmi-Channel Experience 1/14 1pm EST

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TSAIasteaDavid Giannetto of Astea International will be the guest speaker on TSIA’s Optimizing the Omni-Channel Customer Experience webinar on 1/14 @ 1pm EST

Join SVP of Astea International, David Giannetto, as he discussed with  John Ragsdale, TSIA’s VP Research, Technology & Social the topic of optimizing the omni-channel customer experience.

As we enter the next generation of technology consumption, TSIA firmly believes service organizations will find themselves at the epicenter of company success. While the types of services may change, successful service transactions will clearly be at the heart of market success. Service organizations must develop new organizational capabilities that will help lead their companies to market success. The time to start developing those capabilities is now.

In this webinar John Ragsdale, VP Research, Technology & Social with TSIA and David Giannetto, SVP of Services at Astea International will review & discuss key trends for 2016, and how to capitalize on converging technologies to deliver the optimal customer experience at every touch point. During this 30 minute webcast, you will learn:

• How to leverage Big Data, IoT, Mobile, Social, and the Cloud for superior service
• How to maximize the return on technology investments
• Key focus areas to ensure your strategy is moving in the right direction

Register for free HERE

David Giannetto in Forbes

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forbes.com-logo-vectorDavid Giannetto interview featured in Forbes Business Leadership Section

Author David Giannetto sits down with Forbes writer Henry DeVreis to discuss the impact of his latest book Big Social Mobile on his reputation as one of today’s most successful business theory writers and practitioners. The piece is a lead in to Giannetto’s upcoming talk at the Forbes’ sponsored Entrepreneurs NextPractice Institute event on December 4, 2016 in Irvine, CA. Check back for more on that shortly.

Check out the full article HERE

Direct Link: http://www.forbes.com/sites/henrydevries/2015/11/20/why-business-leaders-make-time-to-write-a-book/

David Giannetto – VentureBeat Marketing Analytics Roundtable 11/18 1pm Eastern

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venture-beat-pressDavid Giannetto will join VentureBeat and Foursquare CRO Steven Rosenblatt for an online roundtable session 11/18 at 1pm Eastern

Marketing Analytics – The secret of segment domination

David Giannetto Interview: Just Talking Business 10/28 – Live and On-Demand

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FacesofSuccessDavid Giannetto interview with Host G.L. Giddings on Faces of Success Radio – 10/28 2:15pm Eastern

Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto will join radio host GL Giddings on his Faces of Success radio show airing on Blog Talk Radio to discuss how today’s best and most progressive companies are leveraging the big data, social media and mobile technology. Listen in or listen on demand to find out how companies are becoming  “big social mobile” and how this is impacting consumers impressions–and how you can leverage these to your company’s best advantage.

For more information, listen live or on demand visit the Faces of Success page on Blog Talk Radio.

Call the show to ask your question live: (718) 664-6324

Direct link: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/facesofsuccessradio/2015/10/28/arron-the-legal-guy–just-talking-business-wednesday-11am-pst

Giannetto Speaking at Gartner Catalyst Conference – San Diego 8/11 & 8/12

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David Giannetto will address the #GartnerCAT on both 8/11 & 8/12 in San Diego

David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile and SVP of Salient Management Company, will be address attendees at this premier Gartner event in a main session on 8/12 and a select group of senior exectives from the fortune 2000 in an invitation-only session on 8/11. The topic–how business intelligence and analytics applications are missing the true needs of management decision support–is a topic Giannetto has commented on many times in the past.

“The difference between information for analyics sake and information that can be used to drive the performance of an organization is the foundation of my work all the way back to my first book,” says Giannetto. “I’m sometimes amazed that even after a decade the main ingredients of success we discussed in the Power Grid–things that were progressive at the time–are largely and often unfulfilled by most of today’s information-based technology.” Perhaps as testament to this point, J. Wiley & Sons has just released The Performance Power Grid  in a second edition. “The duel sessions at Gartner’s Calatylst Conference is a great way to deliver this message to a broader audience (in the general session) and then have some deeper, more meaningful conversation (in the invitation-only session) with a select group of today’s leaders seeking to utilize information as the backbone of their organization’s decision-making process.”

To join David Giannetto, the Salient team, and conference attendees in San Diego visit the Gartner event website.

About the catalyst Conference: This event provides practical solutions, actionable advice & principled objectivity in ways you won’t find anywhere else. Technically focused & committed to pragmatic, how-to content, Gartner Catalyst Conference is designed to leave you with a blueprint for project planning & execution.

@salientmgmtcomp, @dgiannetto, @gartner_inc, #GartnerCAT


David Giannetto on School for Startup Radio – Listen on Demand

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schoolDavid Giannetto with Jim Beach on 7 stations across the country, plus internet – Listen Now

Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto will join radio host and best-selling author Jim Beach on his School for Startups radio show airing on Liberty Express Radio, iHeart Radio, Roku and 7 FM stations across the country to discuss how today’s best and most progressive companies are leveraging the big data, social media and mobile technology that make them both “big social mobile” and respected by today’s social consumers. Join them to learn the latest tips, tricks, techniques and technology connecting companies and consumers, and see which one has the upper-hand.

Listen on Demand Here

About School for Startups Radio: Join host Jim Beach everyday at 6:00am and 6:00pm EST as he interviews entrepreneurs and great authors that can help you grow your business, or start one. The show airs on the following AmFm Stations…..

♦ Tampa AM 1630, FM 92.1
♦ Las Vegas AM 1520, FM 107.1
♦ Macon, GA AM 810, FM 87.9
♦ Lancaster, PA AM 1640, FM 102.1
♦ Boulder, CO FM 100.7
♦ Milwaukee FM 104.1
♦ Pittsburgh FM 107.3

@entrepreneurjim@school4startups, @dgiannetto, #bigSocialMobile

David Giannetto Interview – Story Powered 7/13

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David Giannetto interview on telling your company’s story in the digital age: 7/13 1pm ET

No matter what size of business you are running, social media is a crucial part of how you interact with potential customers. However, having lots of friends or lots of likes is not enough. We need to be able to convert our followers into customers. But how do we do that in an increasingly competitive marketplace with savvy social consumers? In this episode of Story Powered®, David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile, How Digital Initiatives can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results will help us better understand the current social landscape and how businesses can use story to move beyond being liked to getting more sales.

Listen to the show on demand here

Direct Link: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/86450/getting-social-with-story

@verygoodstories, @dgiannetto, #bigsocialmobile

About Lianne Picot and Story Powered/Very Good Stories: Did you know that storytelling is a superpower that inspires, engages and moves people to action? The Story Powered radio show is all about helping you to activate your storytelling superpower to make your business more successful. Lianne Picot and her guests from around the world share their expertise and experience in story powered branding, leadership and business development. They help you to strategically find, craft and share your best business stories with authenticity and passion. Story Powered will also help business leaders and entrepreneurs to think about the internal stories that are holding them back or affecting their success and how to create a new narrative that moves them closer to their goals and dreams. Listen to Story Powered every Tuesday at 10 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel to find out more about the power of story and how it will help you grow a better business. Learn more at: http://www.verygoodstories.com/

David Giannetto Interview – The Business Reinvention Show 7/14

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David Giannetto interview on Business Reinvention – New Marketing Thinking for the Digital Age

More than 10 years after social media and mobile phones went mainstream, marketers are still trying to make sense of the fast-changing media landscape and consumer behaviors. The change has compelled companies to rethink their organizational structure and alignment in addition to their capability to harness big data and respond to market intelligence.
In this episode, I will talk with David F. Giannetto, the author of “Big Social Mobile – How Digital Initiatives Can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results”. We will discuss the impact of social and mobile marketing on organizational structure, business planning, and marketing leadership. David will share best practices for closing the gap between today’s trendiest digital initiatives—big data, social media, and mobile technology designed to generate friends, data and downloads—and traditional organizational goals focused on creating customers, revenue and profit.

Listen to the program now or download the podcast from iTunes.

About Business Reinvention and Nancy Lin: “Business Reinvention with Nancy Lin” keeps you up to date on emerging trends and business innovations that could transform your industry. The show helps you make sense of new technologies and business models to understand their implications. Nancy Lin is a thoughtful and engaging host with a knack for asking questions that draw out unexpected insights. Her in-depth interviews with experts empower you to think innovatively and offer you inspiration and business lessons. “Business Reinvention with Nancy Lin” is broadcast live every Tuesday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel. More information at http://www.bizreinvention.com

@BizReinvention, @dgiannetto, #bigsocialmobile


David Giannetto at Big Data Expo 2015 – NYC

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David Giannetto will address the worlds largest gathering of big data experts in NYC 6/9

David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile, will address the world’s largest gathering of big data experts at this year’s Big Data Expo, being held at the Javits center in NYC, on how organization’s are becoming “big social mobile” enterprises.  It’s a concept brought to life in Giannetto’s latest book: organization’s that use big data derived from social and mobile sources, seamlessly integrated with traditional enterprise data to create tangible impacts on revenue and profit, and understand, leverage and interact with consumers in a way never before possible.  Join the 11:00am session on 6/9 to learn more.

Direct Link to the session: http://www.bigdataexpo.net/node/3339204  Becoming Big Social Mobile By @DGiannetto | @BigDataExpo #BigData #Cloud

About the Big Data Expo: 

Big Data Expo East is the place where you can see the technologies and use cases that are delivering Big Data to enterprise IT.  Big Data Expo East is co-located at the Javit’s Center in the heart of New York with Cloud Expo East–the world’s most longstanding and significant event in the world of cloud computing.  Attend Big Data East and benefit from technical and strategic Breakout Sessions, General Sessions, Keynotes, Power Panels, and the largest exhibition floor in the industry.  Enterprise storage. Business analytics. Real-time cloud. Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications. These are just some of the topics and knowledge you’ll receive at Big Data Expo East. Attend, learn, and contribute to the discussion!  Big Data Expo East is June 9-11 at the Javits Center, New York, NY. We’ll see you there!