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David Giannetto in SearchCRM.com Article

By January 27, 2015Articles

searchcrmDavid Giannetto in SearchCRM.com on how-to reduce data silos to increase personalization

Check out the new article on SearchCRM.com by Executive Editor Lauren Horwitz (@lhorwitz), Customer Personalization Now Part of Closing, that features advice by David Giannetto (@dgiannetto), SVP of Salient Management Company (@SalientMgmtComp) and author of Big Social Mobile, on how companies want to use customer data to personalize interactions and boost sales, but customer data silos have left some companies adrift.

ARTICLE: All companies want to forge more intimate connections with their audiences so they can sell more products. If the age of the customer has taught companies anything, it’s that increasingly discriminating customers want companies to know who they are and what they want before the selling onslaught begins…  [READ FULL ARTICLE HERE]


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