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What is the Future of Performance Reviews?

By September 6, 2015Articles

Central-Desktop-PGI-blog-headerDavid Giannetto comments on the current and future state of performance review for Central Desktop

Top enterprises are ditching the formal, annual, rack-and-stack performance review processes that were once considered a marvel of human resources innovation. Now comes the hard part—what to do instead?

Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto addresses the topic in this article by  for Central Desktop. Read the article [HERE].

Full URL: http://cdblog.centraldesktop.com/2015/09/best-alternatives-to-traditional-performance-reviews/

About Central Desktop: Central Desktop helps people work together in ways they never imagined possible. Our online collaboration platform connects people and information in the cloud, making it possible to share files, combine knowledge, inspire ideas, manage projects and more. Visit Central Desktop
