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David Giannetto in Mobile Marketing Watch

By | Articles, Big Social Mobile Case Study | No Comments


David Giannetto: Can mobile meet the hype?

Author David Giannetto talks about the future of mobile in this guest column for Mobile Marketing Watch. Check out the the article in Michael Essany’s column HERE.

Direct link: http://www.mobilemarketingwatch.com/adapt-or-fail-how-mobile-can-meet-the-hype-49598/

About MMW: Mobile Marketing Watch, otherwise referred to as MMW (because writing “Mobile Marketing Watch” just takes too damn long) is owned and operated by the Los Angeles based communications company, mobileStorm. In addition to selling its SaaS offering to businesses for email, mobile and social messaging, mobileStorm employs a staff of independent writers who have complete editorial freedom over their content and reader interaction.  MMW and its writers cover an array of topics that touch all areas of the mobile ecosystem — everything from advertising, to technology, and even healthcare.

iSIGN to be a featured case study

By | Big Social Mobile Case Study, News, Partners | No Comments

iSIGN Media_LogoI’m excited to be featuring the technology of iSIGN in Big Social Mobile.  Proximity Marketing + Mobile Technology + Digital Signage + Smart Antennas.  This is a company at the very center of how you use mobile technology to directly drive additional revenue.  I can’t wait to share how they’re doing it.

iSIGN is a global leader in multiplatform, location-based messaging solutions that utilize Bluetooth, mobile, WiFi and location-aware technologies to deliver permission-based consumer messaging to engage shoppers at the point of sale. They deliver insights into emerging behaviors that help businesses measure their marketing and advertising efforts and make better informed decisions to increase sales, customer loyalty and ROI.