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David Giannetto in Mobile Marketing Watch

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David Giannetto: Can mobile meet the hype?

Author David Giannetto talks about the future of mobile in this guest column for Mobile Marketing Watch. Check out the the article in Michael Essany’s column HERE.

Direct link: http://www.mobilemarketingwatch.com/adapt-or-fail-how-mobile-can-meet-the-hype-49598/

About MMW: Mobile Marketing Watch, otherwise referred to as MMW (because writing “Mobile Marketing Watch” just takes too damn long) is owned and operated by the Los Angeles based communications company, mobileStorm. In addition to selling its SaaS offering to businesses for email, mobile and social messaging, mobileStorm employs a staff of independent writers who have complete editorial freedom over their content and reader interaction.  MMW and its writers cover an array of topics that touch all areas of the mobile ecosystem — everything from advertising, to technology, and even healthcare.

David Giannetto in MobileMakers.org – Can Mobile Meet the Hype?

By | Articles, Big Social Mobile Case Study | No Comments

mobilemakersDavid Giannetto on how mobile can meet the big promise of changing your business

MobileMakers.org checked in with the author who put Mobile in Big Social Mobile
to see whether or not mobile can live up to the big promises people are making on its behalf.
Check in with his answer here: Adapt or Fail, How Mobile Can Meet the Hype
