David Giannetto will address the #GartnerCAT on both 8/11 & 8/12 in San Diego
David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile and SVP of Salient Management Company, will be address attendees at this premier Gartner event in a main session on 8/12 and a select group of senior exectives from the fortune 2000 in an invitation-only session on 8/11. The topic–how business intelligence and analytics applications are missing the true needs of management decision support–is a topic Giannetto has commented on many times in the past.
“The difference between information for analyics sake and information that can be used to drive the performance of an organization is the foundation of my work all the way back to my first book,” says Giannetto. “I’m sometimes amazed that even after a decade the main ingredients of success we discussed in the Power Grid–things that were progressive at the time–are largely and often unfulfilled by most of today’s information-based technology.” Perhaps as testament to this point, J. Wiley & Sons has just released The Performance Power Grid in a second edition. “The duel sessions at Gartner’s Calatylst Conference is a great way to deliver this message to a broader audience (in the general session) and then have some deeper, more meaningful conversation (in the invitation-only session) with a select group of today’s leaders seeking to utilize information as the backbone of their organization’s decision-making process.”
To join David Giannetto, the Salient team, and conference attendees in San Diego visit the Gartner event website.
About the catalyst Conference: This event provides practical solutions, actionable advice & principled objectivity in ways you won’t find anywhere else. Technically focused & committed to pragmatic, how-to content, Gartner Catalyst Conference is designed to leave you with a blueprint for project planning & execution.
@salientmgmtcomp, @dgiannetto, @gartner_inc, #GartnerCAT