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Astea Press Release: Astea Unveils the Latest Release of its Industry Leading Mobile Workforce Solution

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Astea Unveils the Latest Release of its Industry Leading Mobile Workforce Solution

Astea Alliance™ Mobile Edge™ sets a new standard in workforce mobility with a highly intuitive user interface, unlimited ability to simplify the user experience, embedded technician productivity enhancers, and numerous customer-driven features

HORSHAM, Pa.July 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — Astea International Inc., a global leader in service lifecycle management and mobility solutions, introduces the release of Astea Alliance Mobile Edge. Designed based upon feedback from some of the world’s leading service-driven companies and nearly four decades of industry experience, this new mobile application of Astea’s full life cycle field service management platform Alliance, utilizes the latest in mobile development technology and design principles to help companies increase user adoption, boost technician productivity, improve service margins and contract profitability, and deliver a superior user experience.

Alliance Mobile Edge simplifies the complexity of today’s service experience by combining deep functionality, robust customer and asset life cycle information, and powerful new emerging technology with highly-configurable interfaces, workflow rules and reporting. The result is a platform designed to enhance technician effectiveness and efficiency in every possible way, including the ability to create a digital work environment that suits each technician’s affinity for technology and speed of learning.

“With Alliance Mobile Edge, we’ve consciously addressed the challenge that service-driven companies face today. To effectively compete, they require a mobile workforce application that is increasingly complex, capable and connected, and this can quickly overwhelm technicians who already have their hands full dealing with more diverse service offerings and highly demanding customers,” said David F. Giannetto, chief operating officer for Astea International. “We’ve created the most capable mobile application in the industry without sacrificing functionality, by accommodating multiple ways of working, and differing technician abilities and affinity for technology out of the box. Quicker user adoption and higher satisfaction directly equate to higher profitability and improved ROI.”

Astea Alliance Mobile Edge sets a new standard in mobile workforce management, offering industry leading features and benefits, including:

  • A Sleek, Intuitive User Interface Inspired by the Latest Google Material Design Principles 

    Technicians will execute their workflow, interact with information and launch productivity-enhancing applications through a sleek new user interface (UI) inspired by Google’s Material Design principles. The familiarity of this design aids in easy adoption and allows users to intuitively understand how to interact with the application, minimizing the number of screen touches for greater efficiency. Alliance Mobile Edge leverages the latest mobile technology infrastructure, making it more powerful than ever before, with faster rendering, automatic landscape and portrait orientation changes, embedded legends, intelligent help screens and numerous other features designed to enhance user satisfaction.

  • Unprecedented Configuration Capabilities 

    Alliance Mobile Edge puts the power to customize the work environment in the hands of business users. Built upon the long history of Astea Alliance as the most customizable platform in the service management industry, non-technical users can now mirror the most efficient and effective way of working through robust configuration settings. Administrators, managers or supervisors can configure the application to accommodate the needs of each individual worker: modifying the look and feel of specific screens or the entire application; changing labels to reflect local preferences; adding, removing, re-arranging, or changing the settings for any field; modifying workflows, checklists or enabling and disabling entire modules; and much more through a new non-technical interface. This customizer allows organizations to balance universal settings and workflows with local requirements by function, region, business unit, customer group or skill set. New users can start in “simple mode” utilizing only basic functions before experience and training allows them to move into “slim” or “full mode” where additional capabilities are available. This gives workers a natural progression that eases them into the application, all while working in a way that accommodates an organization’s need for standardization and consistency.

  • Easy-to-Use Productivity Tools for Faster Learning and Greater Adoption 

    Every aspect of Alliance Mobile Edge was designed to allow technicians to focus on their job—not on the technology that supports it. Technician-enhancing tools, including team and crew collaboration, “Google-like” knowledge base search results, augmented reality and Artificial Intelligence, are all literally at their fingertips. These features are designed to help engineers diagnose problems, make repairs, perform preventative maintenance and resolve customer issues quickly, even if they have never before worked with a piece of equipment. Additional powerful features include gamification, taking and enhancing photographs, and adding attachments, videos or audio recordings that can then become future knowledge assets available across the entire Alliance platform. Alliance Mobile Edge is powerful enough to help overcome the challenges of an aging workforce, the ever growing number of increasingly complex new assets in the field, and new worker inexperience.

  • Smart, Effortless Technology that Works Everywhere on Everything 

    Alliance Mobile Edge works everywhere. On-line or off-line, the application manages data storage and synchronization so that the technician does not have to be concerned with connectivity, including the availability of supporting documentation and knowledge assets. Uninterrupted service to customers is so important that Alliance Mobile Edge also includes patent-pending capability that quickly restores all data in the event of a device failure. Capable of working on nearly any smart mobile device or computer, organizations can choose the device—or mixture of devices—that works best for them, while still leveraging the most powerful mobile workforce application on the market.

  • Keep Technicians Engaged and Connected While Keeping the Back Office Updated 

    It takes more than just a technician to provide world-class service. Alliance Mobile Edge is seamlessly integrated into every aspect of the Alliance platform. Data from every part of the full field service life cycle flows into Mobile Edge ensuring technicians have all the information they need to deliver an outstanding service experience. The technicians’ work is sent back to the office in real time—data is always accurate, complete and up-to-date. This allows not only anyone in the service lifecycle to take action, but also allows the Alliance platform to monitor and manage activities, automatically alerting any key stakeholder inside or outside of the organization when something is happening, did happen, or more importantly should happen. Full GPS tracking (with the ability to modify or disable due to privacy concerns), system wide messaging, and full Microsoft Outlook® calendar integration keep everyone informed. These capabilities extend to both third party technicians and contingent workers through the streamlined version of Mobile Edge designed for augmented workforces.

To request a live demonstration of Alliance Mobile Edge, click here.

About Astea International

Astea International is a global provider of software solutions that offer all the cornerstones of service lifecycle management, including customer management, service management, asset management, forward and reverse logistics management and mobile workforce management and optimization. Astea’s solutions link processes, people, parts, and information to empower companies and provide the agility they need to achieve sustainable value in less time, and successfully compete in a global economy. Astea helps the world’s best service-driven companies generate even higher levels of customer satisfaction with faster response times and proactive communication, creating a seamless, consistent and highly personalized experience at every customer relationship touch point.

www.astea.com.   Service Smart.  Enterprise Proven.

© 2017 Astea International Inc. Astea, Astea Mobile Edge and Astea Alliance are trademarks of Astea International Inc. All other company and product names contained herein are trademarks of the respective holders.

SOURCE Astea International Inc.

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David Giannetto Interview for PR Newswire

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David Giannetto interview in the latest edition of ProfNet success stories

Maria Perez sat down with David Giannetto to talk about his marketing approach that has landed him in media outlets ranging from Forbes to the Jenny McCarthy show.

From PRNewswire: For this month’s featured success story, we caught up with David Giannetto, author of “Big Social Mobile: How Digital Initiatives Can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results.” Read the Interview Here

Direct Link: http://www.profnetconnect.com/mariaperez/blog/2016/02/25/profnet_success_story:_david_giannetto,_author_of_%E2%80%98big_social_mobile%E2%80%99

Big Social Mobile listed as 1 of 5 Inspirational Books to Kickstart 2016

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Marketing Magazine lists Big Social Mobile as one of last year’s must read books to kick 2016 off in the right direction

From Marketing Magazine: It’s the new year, we thought it would be a great time to highlight five thought-provoking marketing books to help fuel your ideas and get those creative juices flowing for 2016. Read More

Direct Link: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1378174/new-year-reads-five-inspirational-books-kickstart-2016

BIg Social Mobile Book Review – Richard Townsend: “…one of the best I’ve read.”

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marketingMagazineMarketing Magazine Reviews Big Social Mobile

Richard Townsend, managing director and co-founder of Circus Street writes: “Giannetto’s book highlights that how a business uses big data, social media and mobile technology are key signs of a successful digital enterprise.” READ THE FULL REVIEW HERE

Direct Link: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1378110/author-demystifies-key-digital-concepts-despite-books-narrow-scope

About Marketing: Marketing brings readers the most important news in the industry and delves into the issues behind the headlines. It is firmly established as the leading source of information for the marketing community, delivering insightful analysis and powerful comment pieces from award winning experts including  Helen Edwards ,  Mel Exon ,  Will Harris and  Tracey Follows. Marketing is home to exclusive industry data, such as its unique Adwatch poll of which TV ads consumers recall. It also gives readers access to the largest number of marketing jobs in the UK. Founded in 1931, the magazine has given the big picture of what’s going on in the marketing, media and advertising industries for more than 80 years.

David Giannetto 2016 Contributing Columnist in Strictly Marketing Magazine

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stricklymarketingmagazineDavid Giannetto will launch a new column for Strictly Marketing Magazine entitled Future Marketing-becoming big social mobile

Kicking off in the March edition of Strictly Marketing Magazine, David Giannetto, Big Social Mobile author, will launch a new column focused on practical, everyday use of today’s latest marketing trends and technologies–all with a focus on driving tangible result–more customers, higher revenue, increased profit.


David provides his personal perspective on the changing role of marketing, and how marketing professionals are now finding themselves at the center of what he calls a “Big Social Mobile Enterprise,” responsible for combining a variety of new digital initiatives–everything from big data, to social media to mobile technology and traditional advertising and campaigns–that will connect their company to an increasingly more powerful and sophisticated “social consumer.”

He will provide a behind the scenes look into how today’s best, most progressive companies are using the latest marketing trends and technology to understand, leverage and influence consumer behavior in a way that were never before possible. This column is sure to become your best ally to convince leaders throughout your organization that these digital initiatives can do more than generate friends, data and download–they are the secret to generating new customers, more revenue and winning in a new social economy.

Read the full press release here

ABOUT STRICTLY MARKETING MAGAZINE – Strictly Marketing offers marketing information to help companies promote their business. Covering topics that include networking, marketing, sales, cold calling, promotions, public relations, branding and social media.


David Giannetto to Keynote Digital Marketing Conference – 5/14 Raleigh, NC

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DMFB_pressreleaselogoDavid Giannetto will keynote the Digital Marketing for Business conference 5/14 in Raleigh, NC

Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto will deliver the keynote session to nearly 1,000 attendees at the Raleigh Convention Center for the third annual Digital Marketing for Business Conference. This three-day event includes 84 sessions and workshops over five tracks plus special networking and social opportunities for registered attendees and speakers. Giannetto will also conduct a book signing at the event’s unique, casino night.

The Digital Marketing for Business Conference is distinctive in its focus on leading edge and practical information from experts who use the technologies, disciplines and processes every day. It is a virtual ‘how to’ gold mine for anyone whose job or business depends on marketing and digital marketing technology. In today’s highly internet-dependent world, this is practically everyone.

Giannetto is particularly well suited to bring together the often disparate pieces of today’s digital marketing puzzle for this audience.  Always known for his progressive use of information and technology to drive change, his book has been called the “blueprint” for how companies need to bring together the often disparate initiatives of big data, social media and mobile technology–major initiatives attendees are grappling with. He has long been acknowledged as one of the few keynote speakers capable of connecting idealized visions of what could be, to the detailed mechanics of how the audience can achieve this within their own organization.

To attend the event, or for more information visit the Digital Marketing for Business Conference website HERE. Direct link: http://digitalmarketingforbusiness.com/

Giannetto to tape Good News TV Episode

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goodnewsDavid Giannetto will tape a TV Episode for Good News Broadcast

David Giannetto will sit down with veteran Television broadcaster Paul Sladkus to tape an episode of Good News for Good News Planet in support of International Peace Day (September 18th in Times Square, NYC). The interview will focus on the positive changes in the market after the emergence of consumer-controlled social media and mobile technology, and how this has forced a change in corporate behavior for the first time in over 400 years.

Giannetto has long been one of the most vocal business theorists discussing the impact of capitalism on market dynamics, how it has undermined individuality and reduced the focus on quality–a view that has woven its way through his business writing since the opening pages of his first book, The Performance Power Grid.  “[The performance power grid methodology] is working to undo 400 years of bad learning,” writes Giannetto in his first book. “It is working against an economic model that undermines the very thing business need to succeed and to sustain success.  To Achieve these things, a new perspective and a new approach is required.” These concerns, and this effort, was further expanded upon by Giannetto within his third book Big Social Mobile in the context of what he calls the “corporate-consumer relationship.” While these beliefs remain subtle undertones throughout his writing, they have been seized upon by consumer advocates as one of the few realistic (even if unpopular) paths to achieve stronger corporate responsibility.

Details on when the interview will air to follow.

About Paul Sladkus: Sladkus was 49 years old when he founded Good News. “I started it to confront the consistent negativity in the world and media,” he says. “If we want to see a better world, then we have to shift what we are looking at.” Thus for the past 11 years, Sladkus has traveled the world bringing good news into our living rooms and our computers too. However, in most cases, he doesn’t have to go very far: the Good News comes to him as thousands of corporations, non-profits, public relations companies and individuals request that he tell their stories.  Sladkus already had significant experience before starting Good News. In the ‘70s, he worked at CBS on award winning shows such as All in the Family, Carol Burnett, Sonny and Cher and Love of Life. At PBS Channel 13 he helped create The Nature and Brain series. What’s special about Sladkus is his down-to-earth personality despite the many famous people he’s met throughout his life. Over the years he has interviewed Katie Couric, Les Paul, Michael Douglas, Ted Danson, Ted Turner, Deepak Chopra, Patch Adams, Mitch Albom, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Tiki Barber, Isabella Rossellini, Percy Heath, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Kathleen Turner, Tina Turner, Tony Bennett, America Ferrera, Pete Seeger, Danny DeVito, Ben Vereen, Elmo, Harvey McKay, Chuck Close among many others doing good for the world.

TV Interview airs 4/21 – C-Suite TV

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David Giannetto on C-Suite TV will air 4/21

The C-Suite TV interview featuring David Giannetto and the release of his 3rd book, “Big Social Mobile” will air February 21, 2015.  David will join previous guests that include Brian Elliott, Rob Corddry, Daymond John and others on the show that seeks to go inside the minds of bestselling authors to learn the strategies from their popular business books.  The interview will be conducted by Taryn Winter Brill most recently in-house Correspondent for Everyday Health working alongside Dr. Sanjay Gupta, and has been a Correspondent at ABC News & The CBS Early Show in NYC.

 About C-Suite TV

C-Suite TV is a business channel featuring interviews and shows with business executives, thought leaders, authors and celebrities providing news and information for business leaders. C-Suite TV is your go-to resource to find out the inside track on trends and discussions taking place in businesses today, hosting such shows as C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett, MYOB – Mind Your Own Business and Bestseller TV.  More information at: http://c-suitetv.com/