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David Giannetto Radio Interview with Informer Media

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Big Social Mobile – Big Data – Social Media – Mobile Technology for Companies and Consumers

David Giannetto sat down with Mike Manko for this interview distributed by Informer Media.

From the Las Vegas Informer: Information is still power, let’s learn to use it by talking with author David Giannetto… LISTEN TO THE RADIO INTERVIEW HERE


Direct Link: http://lasvegas.informermg.com/2016/02/26/big-social-mobile-step-by-step-program-for-companies-and-consumers/

David Giannetto Interview for PR Newswire

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David Giannetto interview in the latest edition of ProfNet success stories

Maria Perez sat down with David Giannetto to talk about his marketing approach that has landed him in media outlets ranging from Forbes to the Jenny McCarthy show.

From PRNewswire: For this month’s featured success story, we caught up with David Giannetto, author of “Big Social Mobile: How Digital Initiatives Can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results.” Read the Interview Here

Direct Link: http://www.profnetconnect.com/mariaperez/blog/2016/02/25/profnet_success_story:_david_giannetto,_author_of_%E2%80%98big_social_mobile%E2%80%99

Big Social Mobile listed as 1 of 5 Inspirational Books to Kickstart 2016

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Marketing Magazine lists Big Social Mobile as one of last year’s must read books to kick 2016 off in the right direction

From Marketing Magazine: It’s the new year, we thought it would be a great time to highlight five thought-provoking marketing books to help fuel your ideas and get those creative juices flowing for 2016. Read More

Direct Link: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1378174/new-year-reads-five-inspirational-books-kickstart-2016

New Future-Marketing Column: The Keystone of Data-Driven Marketing

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SMM_BannerLogoNew Giannetto Column in the March/April Edition of Strictly Marketing Magazine

Author David Giannetto’s first edition of the new column Future-Marketing: becoming big social mobile is focused on the real impact of social media on marketing. Discover what he calls the ‘keystone’ of data-driven marketing and how to put this in place for your organization. Read the full article on the PDF extract from the print edition HERE

Full link: https://e7f6cb.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/dg_files/SMMmarapr2016BSM.pdf

Subscribe to Strictly Marketing Magazine HERE

Event – Giannetto on Jenny McCarthy’s Dirty Sexy Funny Feb 29th 11am SiriusXM

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David Giannetto on Jenny McCarthy’s SiriusXM Show – Jan 29th 11am Eastern

Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto will sit down with host Jenny McCarthy to discuss the dark web and corporate data tracking – what should you fear online?? Join them on SiriusXM Channel 109 just after 11am eastern on leap day, February 29th.

Visit the Jenny McCarthy website: HERE
Find her show on the SiriusXM website: HERE
Follow her on Twitter: @JennyMcCarthy

The Future of Twitter: Statistics Show 2016 Death – Giannetto Original Article for Huffington Post

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The Future of Twitter: Statistics Show 2016 Death

An original Giannetto article for Huffington Post

Right now everyone is hoping Jack Dorsey’s “innovator intuition” will revitalize Twitter just because Steve Jobs did it at Apple. But set aside hope and let’s look at some cold, hard facts to see if Twitter can survive.

While researching my new book,Big Social Mobile (Palgrave Macmillan), I sat down with the team at ICANN WHOIS, the organization that tracks and manages domain activity on the internet, to determine the “survivability” of organizations operating in the digital domain. I reviewed the activity of every domain on the internet–purchase, inactivity, transfer and abandonment of all domains–from 2002 until 2013.

What the data foretells is a grim tragedy about to unfold. [CONTINUE READING ON THE HUFFINGTON POST]

Direct link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-giannetto/the-future-of-twitter-sta_b_9232280.html

BIg Social Mobile Book Review – Richard Townsend: “…one of the best I’ve read.”

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marketingMagazineMarketing Magazine Reviews Big Social Mobile

Richard Townsend, managing director and co-founder of Circus Street writes: “Giannetto’s book highlights that how a business uses big data, social media and mobile technology are key signs of a successful digital enterprise.” READ THE FULL REVIEW HERE

Direct Link: http://www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/article/1378110/author-demystifies-key-digital-concepts-despite-books-narrow-scope

About Marketing: Marketing brings readers the most important news in the industry and delves into the issues behind the headlines. It is firmly established as the leading source of information for the marketing community, delivering insightful analysis and powerful comment pieces from award winning experts including  Helen Edwards ,  Mel Exon ,  Will Harris and  Tracey Follows. Marketing is home to exclusive industry data, such as its unique Adwatch poll of which TV ads consumers recall. It also gives readers access to the largest number of marketing jobs in the UK. Founded in 1931, the magazine has given the big picture of what’s going on in the marketing, media and advertising industries for more than 80 years.

David Giannetto On-on-One Interview

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SMM_interviewDavid Giannetto sits down with Strictly Marketing Magazine

Author David Giannetto recently sat down with Strictly Marketing Magazine to talk about the method behind the methods: the origins of his unique and controversial perspective, how social media might save capitalism and why he can’t earn a living doing what he really loves.

Read the full article on the PDF extract from the print edition HERE

Full link: https://e7f6cb.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/dg_files/SMMinterview.pdf

David Giannetto & Astea – Optimizing the Onmi-Channel Experience 1/14 1pm EST

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TSAIasteaDavid Giannetto of Astea International will be the guest speaker on TSIA’s Optimizing the Omni-Channel Customer Experience webinar on 1/14 @ 1pm EST

Join SVP of Astea International, David Giannetto, as he discussed with  John Ragsdale, TSIA’s VP Research, Technology & Social the topic of optimizing the omni-channel customer experience.

As we enter the next generation of technology consumption, TSIA firmly believes service organizations will find themselves at the epicenter of company success. While the types of services may change, successful service transactions will clearly be at the heart of market success. Service organizations must develop new organizational capabilities that will help lead their companies to market success. The time to start developing those capabilities is now.

In this webinar John Ragsdale, VP Research, Technology & Social with TSIA and David Giannetto, SVP of Services at Astea International will review & discuss key trends for 2016, and how to capitalize on converging technologies to deliver the optimal customer experience at every touch point. During this 30 minute webcast, you will learn:

• How to leverage Big Data, IoT, Mobile, Social, and the Cloud for superior service
• How to maximize the return on technology investments
• Key focus areas to ensure your strategy is moving in the right direction

Register for free HERE