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3 Reason Content Marketing is Already Dead – Giannetto for the AMA

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content-marketing-is-dead-crop-620x2503 Reasons Why Content Marketing Is Already Dead

David Giannetto for the AMA

Content marketing is the rage.  And it’s a topic worth discussing: how do companies use content that is inherently not sales or marketing oriented to entice consumers to become customers, and ideally, more profitable customers?  Unfortunately, it is a conversation that marketers are having with one another and that means the content marketing conversation—productive conversation about how each company can and should create and deliver content—is already over.  Here’s why… [CONTINUE READING]

Direct Link: http://playbook.amanet.org/content-marketing-already-dead/


3 New Ways Companies Are Influencing What You Think (and Buy)

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3 New Ways Companies Are Influencing What You Think (and Buy)

New AMA Blog Post by David F. Giannetto

Concerned about how companies might use all of that personal information about you they are collecting?  What today’s most progressive companies—what I call “Big Social Mobile Enterprises”—are doing with it goes far beyond what most people think—and what most people even think possible.  Here are three of the ways that today’s most progressive companies are using this information to…


AMA Blog – 3 Ways Companies are Leveraging Your Smart Phone Against You

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mobile technologyDavid Giannetto writes for the AMA on how companies are leveraging your smartphone data

In this edition of Giannetto’s AMA column he writes on the little-understood ways today’s best companies are leveraging smartphone data to understand, interact with and even manipulate consumers.

EXCEPT: There’s a hidden intellect growing within your smart phone.  While you are shopping, dining or even sleeping, it’s got a social life of its own.  And smart companies are learning how to take advantage of this social newbie… CONTINUE READING ON THE AMA GIANNETTO PAGE

Unlock the Hidden Power of Mobile Analytics – Giannetto for the AMA

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shutterstock_mobile-analytics-620x250Unlock the Hidden Power of Mobile Analytics

David Giannetto for the AMA

Should your company invest in mobile analytics technology needed to deliver critical management information to users on the go? It is a decision nearly every organization is now facing, and one that will consume a significant amount of time and money. [CONTINUE READING]

Direct Link: http://playbook.amanet.org/unlock-the-hidden-power-of-mobile-analytics/

3 Views of Holistic Performance Measurement Using Big Data – Giannetto for the AMA

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shutterstock_113314972-620x2503 Views of Holistic Performance Measurement Using Big Data

David Giannetto for the AMA

ig data now allows you to go beyond traditional key performance indicators (kpi) that focus only on financial performance.  While financial measures will always be the ultimate measures of success, using them to manage on a daily basis focuses an organization on the past. This creates a lagging mindset.  How do you focus on now  to create financial success in the future? [CONTINUE READING]

Direct Link: http://playbook.amanet.org/3-views-of-holistic-performance-measurement-using-big-data/

3 Key Customer Metrics – Giannetto for the AMA

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Customer Metrics: Don’t Fail to Ask These 3 Questions

David Giannetto for the AMA

What are the key performance indicators (kpi) you miss using only traditional metrics? While you probably have massive amounts of traditional enterprise data, you won’t get the complete picture without looking at new customer metrics. Social media and mobile technology create massive amounts of new and valuable “big” data. The challenge for leaders: mining this data to get the most meaningful information.


Direct Link: http://playbook.amanet.org/customer-metrics-3-questions/