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The Future of Twitter: Statistics Show 2016 Death – Giannetto Original Article for Huffington Post

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The Future of Twitter: Statistics Show 2016 Death

An original Giannetto article for Huffington Post

Right now everyone is hoping Jack Dorsey’s “innovator intuition” will revitalize Twitter just because Steve Jobs did it at Apple. But set aside hope and let’s look at some cold, hard facts to see if Twitter can survive.

While researching my new book,Big Social Mobile (Palgrave Macmillan), I sat down with the team at ICANN WHOIS, the organization that tracks and manages domain activity on the internet, to determine the “survivability” of organizations operating in the digital domain. I reviewed the activity of every domain on the internet–purchase, inactivity, transfer and abandonment of all domains–from 2002 until 2013.

What the data foretells is a grim tragedy about to unfold. [CONTINUE READING ON THE HUFFINGTON POST]

Direct link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-giannetto/the-future-of-twitter-sta_b_9232280.html

3 Changes in How to Acquire Today’s Top Talent – Giannetto for Huffington Post

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HuffingtonPost-Article3 Changes in How to Acquire Today’s Top Talent

New Huffington Post article by David Giannetto

Companies are still reeling from the arrival of the first generation of truly social consumers into the market. But their arrival into the workforce might create more disruption than their new buying behaviors ever did. With over a third of the current workforce comprised of these social consumers — a number that will rise to nearly fifty percent by 2020 — companies would do well to factor the changing demands of this growing demographic into more than just their hiring strategy. [CONTINUE READING]

Top Trending Articles by Giannetto on HuffPost:
How Social Media is Killing your Company

Read all articles by David Giannetto on the Huffington Post

How Social Media is Killing Your Company – Giannetto for Huffington Post

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How Social Media is Killing Your Company

New Huffington Post article by David F. Giannetto

For over 10 years the mission of social media practitioners has been to build a presence for your company on every social media platform available. The time, effort and energy expended by companies to achieve this has significantly increased your expenses without a corresponding increase in revenue. And what have you gotten for it? Friends, followers, fans–and probably few new customers. Perhaps the problem is social media itself; perhaps it isn’t a viable business medium despite all of the hype. Consider these inherently problematic aspects of social media before you decide… [CONTINUE READING]

Top Trending Articles by Giannetto on HuffPost:
4 Ways to Improve Your Business’ Budget and Your Company’s Performance

Read all articles by David Giannetto on the Huffington Post

Giannetto for Huffington Post – Improve your Budgeting Process

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HuffingtonPost-Article4 Ways to Improve Your  Budgeting Process and Your Company’s Performance

New Huffington Post article by David Giannetto

Wondering how to make your annual budget for this coming year more than just wishful thinking? These four tips will help take your budget, planning and forecasting process beyond the spreadsheet, improving the process itself while also embedding the proper cause and effect mindset within your people and processes that is critical to achieving better results. [CONTINUE READING]

Top Trending Articles by Giannetto on HuffPost:
How Social Media is Killing your Company

Read all articles by David Giannetto on the Huffington Post

Giannetto for Huffington Post – The NFL gets Datafied

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HuffingtonPost-ArticleThe NFL Gets Datafied — 5 Impacts You Haven’t Thought Of

New Huffington Post article by David Giannetto

Two weeks into the NFL season and constant scandal has forced everyone to forget that this is the year the NFL will be forever changed. Not by the new anti-abuse, drug or DUI punishments, or the relinquishment of absolute power by league commissioner Goodell, but by the datafication of NFL players themselves — this year players will wear Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips embedded into their uniforms for the first time. [CONTINUE READING]

Full Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-giannetto/the-nfl-gets-datafied-5-i_b_5844006.html