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Interview with David Giannetto – CIO Talk Network

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CIO Talk Network interviews Astea COO David F. Giannetto how leading service organizations are driving profitability

Companies of all sizes are realizing the need to re-imagine service in order to maximize revenue. It’s all about shifting your focus from customer retention to providing a customer experience that perpetuates the continuous cycle of your customers needing, wanting, and asking for more. In the new podcast (below) entitled “Re-imagining Service to Maximize Profitability,” CIOTalkNetwork talks with Astea Chief Operating Officer David F. Giannetto on how to use the CX to boost service profitability.

Starting from service leaders to field technicians, you can enable everyone along the chain of command to deliver a holistic service experience with the right Field Service Management (FSM) technology.

Listen HERE  to hear best practices and real-life examples client base on:

    • How to create a sales-oriented service culture
    • Analyzing the customer journey through a lens of how to make it the most profitable
    • How service providers earn the status of a trusted partner without getting labeled as selling

Full Link on YourTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAWvMi_HKJk&t=2s

Full Link on Astea.com: http://blog.astea.com/?p=1042

Giannetto Interview in CIO Review Magazine

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Astea International COO, David Giannetto, interview with CIO Review on emerging technology and Astea’s role in the market

 In this edition of CIO Review magazine, Astea COO David Giannetto discusses how augmented reality, the internet of things, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies are impacting today’s leading service-driven organization. Read HERE.

Full link: https://field-service.cioreview.com/vendor/2017/astea_international

“The Spotlight” Interview with David Giannetto

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Tony Durso interviews David Giannetto on his background and how technology is driving change in business today

Syndicated radio host Tony Durso interviews author, technology executive and speaker David Giannetto on his background and the business experiences that most shaped the methodologies he’s become known for over the past 15 years. Michael Benner sits in as guest co-host.

Listen to the interview on iTunes or HERE.

About The Spotlight: a syndicated one-hour weekly Radio talk show on the iTunes, mobile, and VoiceAmerica’s Influencer Channel. The show brings a conversational and entertaining angle into the exciting world of Hollywood Stars, Sports Greats, Game Changers and World Renown VIPs. Voice America boasts over three and a half million listeners across their channels with an expected growth spurt to 10 million.

Direct Link: https://tonydurso.com/author-technology-executive-speaker-david-giannetto/

or: https://cdn.voiceamerica.com/influencers/011795/durso082517.mp3

Giannetto presents to Apex Audience – Using Layered Analytics to Drive Growth and Profitability

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David Giannetto addressed the audience of Apex on how today’s leading companies are using layered analytics to drive their business. Listen or download the presentation HERE. Sign-in required by Apex to view.

Abstract: For most companies data-driven marketing is nothing more than tracking consumers who visit their website and responding with personalized email. The result is an endless stream of outbound emails, low response rates and eventual discounts. But today’s best digital operators are using a series of analysis to uncover ideal consumers and ideal behaviors that can be combined to maximize conversion rates, market basket value and customer lifetime value. Learn how analysis such as personality, like-kind, pattern and taxonomy can be layered to create a digital marketing program designed to increase market penetration, open new market segments and create a sales pipeline.

Direct Link:https://apexsystems.webex.com/ec3000/eventcenter/recording/recordAction.do?theAction=poprecord&siteurl=apexsystems&entappname=url3000&internalRecordTicket=4832534b0000000375b8bb35002ef331249a42cdace6a3f84f7c855013ba14e50065c579bc7f7829&renewticket=0&isurlact=true&format=short&rnd=4374686967&RCID=b44c184da9d7e88b531f53313c18fc4c&rID=92944612&needFilter=false&recordID=92944612&apiname=lsr.php&AT=pb&actappname=ec3000&&SP=EC&entactname=%2FnbrRecordingURL.do&actname=%2Feventcenter%2Fframe%2Fg.do%2Fg.do

David Giannetto Radio Interview with Informer Media

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Big Social Mobile – Big Data – Social Media – Mobile Technology for Companies and Consumers

David Giannetto sat down with Mike Manko for this interview distributed by Informer Media.

From the Las Vegas Informer: Information is still power, let’s learn to use it by talking with author David Giannetto… LISTEN TO THE RADIO INTERVIEW HERE


Direct Link: http://lasvegas.informermg.com/2016/02/26/big-social-mobile-step-by-step-program-for-companies-and-consumers/

David Giannetto Interview – Story Powered 7/13

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David Giannetto interview on telling your company’s story in the digital age: 7/13 1pm ET

No matter what size of business you are running, social media is a crucial part of how you interact with potential customers. However, having lots of friends or lots of likes is not enough. We need to be able to convert our followers into customers. But how do we do that in an increasingly competitive marketplace with savvy social consumers? In this episode of Story Powered®, David Giannetto, author of Big Social Mobile, How Digital Initiatives can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results will help us better understand the current social landscape and how businesses can use story to move beyond being liked to getting more sales.

Listen to the show on demand here

Direct Link: http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/86450/getting-social-with-story

@verygoodstories, @dgiannetto, #bigsocialmobile

About Lianne Picot and Story Powered/Very Good Stories: Did you know that storytelling is a superpower that inspires, engages and moves people to action? The Story Powered radio show is all about helping you to activate your storytelling superpower to make your business more successful. Lianne Picot and her guests from around the world share their expertise and experience in story powered branding, leadership and business development. They help you to strategically find, craft and share your best business stories with authenticity and passion. Story Powered will also help business leaders and entrepreneurs to think about the internal stories that are holding them back or affecting their success and how to create a new narrative that moves them closer to their goals and dreams. Listen to Story Powered every Tuesday at 10 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel to find out more about the power of story and how it will help you grow a better business. Learn more at: http://www.verygoodstories.com/

David Giannetto Interview – Best Seller TV (Video)

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Giannetto_BestSellerTC_thumbDavid Giannetto television interview on C-Suite TV

Big Social Mobile, author David Giannetto sat down with Best Seller TV host Taryn Winter Brill to describe the three initiatives that companies are spending money on right now, but ironically, are still struggling to get right: big data, social media and mobile technology. Companies are investing significantly in these three initiatives more than ever before, but have yet to see a definite ROI, despite the investment. Watch this interview to see what today’s leading companies are doing to overcome these challanges.

Watch the interview HERE.

Direct Link: http://bit.ly/CSTV-Giannetto

About C-Suite TV: C-Suite TV is a business channel featuring interviews and shows with business executives, thought leaders, authors and celebrities providing news and information for business leaders. C-Suite TV is your go-to resource to find out the inside track on trends and discussions taking place in businesses today, hosting such shows as C-Suite with Jeffrey Hayzlett, MYOB – Mind Your Own Business and Bestseller TV.  More information at: http://c-suitetv.com/

David Giannetto Interview – CFO Thought Leader

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CFOTLGiannetto interview on Finance’s role in social media, mobile technology and big data

Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto (@dgiannetto) sat down with Jack Sweeney (@CFOTL), host of one of today’s most successful podcasts, to discuss his new book and how finance is reacting to the arrival of big data, social media and mobile technology, and how it can be used to drive business results inside your organization.

Listen here (if supported):


Driving Change: The Ah-Hah! Moment – Excerpt

GIANNETTO: The good news for most organizations is they probably already have all three initiatives, at least any sizeable organization.  Some smaller organizations might not have mobile initiatives yet but that’s inevitable as well.  So, when I’m working with organizations, I’m trying to get them to think that things really haven’t changed.  Financial leaders have always had to balance priority.  And the good ones take a very clear look at what this initiative is going to do for the business, because they hold information relative to that profit equation and if the organization isn’t profitable in the long term, it’s not going to be around that long.  Social, mobile, big data, these things consume a lot of resources, there’s a lot of technology coming in that’s being brought there.  It’s all very expensive.

So, you have to really look at those specialized practitioners in the eye and say to them for example, what is this going to get the business because a friend, a follower or a fan is not the same thing as a customer, and they’re going to find that very intimidating, a very challenging question because big data, social media and mobile practitioners really have never been challenged to answer the question of what’s the ROI on their efforts.


ABOUT: CFO THOUGHT LEADER is a lively, groundbreaking business podcast. Our mission is to bring you personal firsthand accounts of CFOs who are driving change within their organizations. In addition to their company history we also share the career journey of our spotlighted guest: What did they struggle with? How did they persevere? What makes them successful?

We highlight leadership lessons, “Ah-ha!” moments, and the things that finance leaders stopped doing that was sapping value from their work. Our CFO thought leaders have taught us that one of the most important tasks is to identify “what to stop doing” in order to create the capacity for doing what is required by finance in the 21st century. CFO THOUGHT LEADER is all about inspiring finance professionals to take a leadership leap. We know that by hearing about the successes — (and yes, also the failures) — of others, today’s CFOs can more confidently chart their own leadership paths across the enterprise and take inspired action.