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David Giannetto Author

David Giannetto exclusive for CMO.com

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CMO_400x400David Giannetto on how to sell social to the business

Are you a marketer or social practicitioner trying to get the rest of the organization behind your digital initiative–or an executive wishing you social analyst could? This latest article by Big Social Mobile author David Giannetto will give you the keys to success. Check it out in the exlusive section of CMO.com HERE.

EXCERPT: The move to break digital marketing out of the marketing department is on. But so far it’s been challenging to make this vision—and the higher ROI it brings—a reality. The common approach is heavy on platforms, hashtags, and the best time to tweet, but light on true business integration. The result is more followers, downloads, and data, but few outcomes that earn respect from the business, placing marketers in a precarious position as the desire for a hard ROI from these digital initiatives becomes mainstream… [read more]

Full article link: http://www.cmo.com/articles/2015/4/21/how-to-sell-digital-marketing-to-the-business-and-win.html


David Giannetto writes for Janrain – Big Data–Big Deal?

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Giannetto-Blog-Post-2-imageDavid Giannetto demystifies big data

In preparation for tomorrow’s webinar David Giannetto provides the blunt clarity he is often known for when it comes to demystifying the latest management myths and technology trends.  Still confused by the real use of big data?  Read this blog post and then join the Janrain webinar to learn more about how companies are using today’s latest digital trends–big data, social media and mobile technology–to create tangible business results

Join Janrain’s live webinar presentation with David on Thursday, February 19, 10AM PST/1PM PST to learn more. Register now

Tired of the hype surrounding big data? I am. You should be too. Don’t let the hype fool you. It isn’t as impressive as it sounds. Here’s why… [CONTINUE READING] at http://janrain.com/blog/big-data-big-deal/?src=Social&lsd=twitter&cnm=Webinar%20Digital%20Divide&utm_campaign=webinar-digital-divide&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter

About Janrain
Janrain makes it easy to know your customers and personalize every interaction. Our Customer Identity Management Platform helps companies build a unified view of their customers across all devices by collecting accurate customer profile data to power personalized marketing. The platform encompasses social login, registration, customer profile data storage, customer insights, single sign-on, and user-generated content. Janrain powers customer identity management for brands like Universal Music Group, Pfizer, Samsung, Whole Foods, Fox News, Philips, Marvel, Mattel and Dr. Pepper. Founded in 2005, Janrain is based in Portland, Oregon, with offices in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Singapore, Bangkok and Redwood City, CA. For more information, please visit www.janrain.com and follow @janrain.

David Giannetto in Street Fight – How SMBs can Dominate the Local Competition

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logo041211David Giannetto in Street Fight on 5 Steps for SMBs Looking to Dominate the Local Competition

Check out the new article by David Giannetto (@dgiannetto) in Street Fight on how small to medium sized business can dominate the competition locally.

Excerpt: It used to be simple for small to medium sized businesses (SMBs). All they needed was a prominent  location, a little bit of effective local advertising, or a growing, positive reputation — and their local community would not only purchase from them, but also quickly become loyal. But these advantages are being eroded by the techniques that social and mobile technologies make available to larger businesses. These larger businesses, bolstered by their greater resources and better brand recognition, are using these to personalize their interactions with consumers, making their homogeneous message seem less so.  Keep reading on the Street Fight website…

Read the full article here: http://streetfightmag.com/2015/02/16/5-steps-for-smbs-looking-to-dominate-the-local-competition/

About Street Fight: Street Fight is a media, events, and research company focused on the business of hyperlocal content, commerce and technology. The Street Fight website publishes news, commentary, case studies, and how-to articles to help the hyperlocal ecosystem achieve sustainable business models.  More at StreetFightMag.com

David Giannetto in SearchCRM.com Article

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searchcrmDavid Giannetto in SearchCRM.com on how-to reduce data silos to increase personalization

Check out the new article on SearchCRM.com by Executive Editor Lauren Horwitz (@lhorwitz), Customer Personalization Now Part of Closing, that features advice by David Giannetto (@dgiannetto), SVP of Salient Management Company (@SalientMgmtComp) and author of Big Social Mobile, on how companies want to use customer data to personalize interactions and boost sales, but customer data silos have left some companies adrift.

ARTICLE: All companies want to forge more intimate connections with their audiences so they can sell more products. If the age of the customer has taught companies anything, it’s that increasingly discriminating customers want companies to know who they are and what they want before the selling onslaught begins…  [READ FULL ARTICLE HERE]


About SearchCRM.com

SearchCRM.com is a free resource dedicated to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) decision makers. CRM is a business process that requires a special combination of customer-centric strategy and technical know-how. Visit SearchCRM.com for original daily news, expert tips, discussion forums, Webcasts and customized research that will help you develop, design and implement CRM initiatives.

Snack Foods & Wholesale Bakeries Magazine Article

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01_sfwb0115_cover.inddDavid Giannetto Quoted in the Latest Snack Food & Wholesale Bakeries Magazine on the Impact of Logistics Technology

David F. Giannetto, SVP of Salient Management Company, comments on the latest trends in how logistics software is helping bakers and snack producers better manage their operations in the January 2015 edition of  Snack Foods & Wholesale Bakeries Magazine.  As head of the professional services group of Salient Management Company, Giannetto leads a team of business and technical consultants that work with some of the largest bakeries, snack food providers and other CPG organizations in the world, giving he and his team firsthand knowledge of the challenges these organizations face on a daily basis and how best to address them.  Read the article online at: http://www.snackandbakery.com/articles/87605-logistics-software-helps-bakers-and-snack-producers-better-manage-their-operations#.VLQjBMg_iXc.facebook

3 New Ways Companies Are Influencing What You Think (and Buy)

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3 New Ways Companies Are Influencing What You Think (and Buy)

New AMA Blog Post by David F. Giannetto

Concerned about how companies might use all of that personal information about you they are collecting?  What today’s most progressive companies—what I call “Big Social Mobile Enterprises”—are doing with it goes far beyond what most people think—and what most people even think possible.  Here are three of the ways that today’s most progressive companies are using this information to…


Media Minute Interview – 10/30/14

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GSMI Media Minute with David Giannetto

Click to view video on YouTube

GSMI’s Media Minute Interviews David Giannetto on his Upcoming Book: Big Social Mobile

BOSTON, October 2014 – David Giannetto granted his first media interview about his upcoming Palgrave Macmillan release: Big Social Mobile, How Digital Initiatives can Reshape the Enterprise and Create Business Results.  Available in late December 2014 (currently available for pre-order on Amazon), the book will present the first enterprise-spanning methodology for unifying big data, social media and mobile technology with traditional enterprise people, processes, technology, data and information, with a focus on using these initiatives to realize tangible business value–increased revenue and profit, reduced expense, and those things that directly drive it.

Targeted to bridge the gap between executives, decision-makers and specialized social, mobile and big data practitioners, Big Social Mobile breaks new ground and establishes a new standard for these currently segregated and isolated initiatives by showing how they should, and can, be integrated into each other and into the core of an organization itself.

Mark Russinovich, CTO, Microsoft Azure, says:“Big Social Mobile will serves as an invaluable guide to a key aspect of any corporate strategy: engaging with, understanding, and responding to customers using modern tools .”  Claudia Imhoff, Founder BBBT, says: “David has bridged the gap between the disparate worlds of big data and enterprise information to establish new fundamentals that executives and specialized practitioners alike should learn.”

Pre-order link: http://www.amazon.com/Big-Social-Mobile-Initiatives-Enterprise/dp/1137410396/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1415303994&sr=8-1&keywords=big+social+mobile)